Thursday, October 8, 2009

1st Article of Faith

"We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost."
- Article of Faith 1:1

Yes, I believe that they are three distinct individuals who work together for one divine purpose.
In Matthew 3:13-17, we read of the Savior's baptism. The Savior and Redeemer of this world led the way to fulfilling all righteousness by performing all the requirements His Father laid forth. After that was fulfilled and before the Son went about his duties as Lord and Savior, His Father send the Spirit of God to Him in the form of a dove. Then God, Himself, spoke from heaven. This loving God we read about in all the testaments laid forth by the prophets, who speaks against pride time and time again would never say, "Yea, I am well pleased with myself." No, He spoke from heaven on behalf of His Son and those of His other children - testifying that indeed this individual was His Son and He was pleased with what His Son was doing.

Three individuals. You cannot have a Son without a Father, and thus you cannot have a Father without a Son (or daughter). The Holy Ghost was left behind after the Savior left. None of this could happen if they were all one in the same.

I testify that I know this to be true. I have felt each work separately in my life and the lives of my family. I know that if you search and pray, you will find them working in your life as well.